Ready to Fly

Bald Eagle Fledglings

I stopped in yesterday to check on the eaglets to see if they are getting ready to fly. Based on past experience I was pretty sure that by the middle of June they should be catching some air and flapping their wings above the nest.

Spreading Their Wings

Sure enough, they are adult sized and spreading their wings. They can easily bounce around the nest and float up to the upper branch. I’m sure at this point if one of them fell out he would easily be able to land safely.

Other Action in the Canyon

Great Blue Heron

There wasn’t a lot of action in the rest of the canyon though. I saw one heron but wasn’t able to get a great shot of him. He was very jumpy and every time a vehicle approached he took flight. I eventually got a shot of him on the rock with this nasty background to ruin the image. But I was happy to at least get a shot of him.

Deer Crossing

Mule Deer Doe

I was luck to see one deer in the water and she posed for a few pictures before wandering away on the west side of the bank.

Anyway, within a few days or maybe a week, our two eaglets should be making their first flights and the nest will soon be left empty until the adults return in January to prepare for next years hatch!

Bald Eagle Fledglings
Bald Eagle Fledglings
Bald Eagle Fledglings

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